MPI_CART_RANK, MPI_Cart_rank Purpose Translates task coordinates into a task rank. C synopsis #include MPI_Cart_rank(MPI_Comm comm,int *coords,int *rank); C++ synopsis #include mpi.h int MPI::Cartcomm::Get_cart_rank(const int coords[]) const; FORTRAN synopsis include 'mpif.h' or use mpi MPI_CART_RANK(INTEGER COMM,INTEGER COORDS(*),INTEGER RANK, INTEGER IERROR) Parameters comm is a communicator with cartesian topology (handle) (IN) coords is an integer array of size ndims specifying the cartesian coordinates of a task (IN) rank is an integer specifying the rank of specified task (OUT) IERROR is the FORTRAN return code. It is always the last argument. Description This subroutine translates cartesian task coordinates into a task rank. For dimension i with periods(i) = true, if the coordinate coords(i) is out of range, that is, coords(i) < 0 or coords(i) >= dims(i), it is automatically shifted back to the interval 0 >= coords(i) < dims(i). Out-of-range coordinates are erroneous for non-periodic dimensions. Notes Task coordinates in a cartesian structure begin their numbering at 0. Row-major numbering is always used for the tasks in a cartesian structure. Errors MPI not initialized MPI already finalized Invalid communicator No topology Invalid topology type must be cartesian Invalid coordinates refer to Description above Related information MPI_CART_COORDS MPI_CART_CREATE