MPI_CARTDIM_GET, MPI_Cartdim_get Purpose Retrieves the number of cartesian dimensions from a communicator. C synopsis #include MPI_Cartdim_get(MPI_Comm comm,int *ndims); C++ synopsis #include mpi.h int MPI::Cartcomm::Get_dim() const; FORTRAN synopsis include 'mpif.h' or use mpi MPI_CARTDIM_GET(INTEGER COMM,INTEGER NDIMS,INTEGER IERROR) Parameters comm is a communicator with cartesian topology (handle) (IN) ndims is an integer specifying the number of dimensions of the cartesian topology (OUT) IERROR is the FORTRAN return code. It is always the last argument. Description This subroutine retrieves the number of dimensions in a cartesian topology. Errors Invalid communicator No topology Invalid topology type must be cartesian MPI not initialized MPI already finalized Related information MPI_CART_CREATE MPI_CART_GET