MPI_TYPE_FREE, MPI_Type_free Purpose Marks a datatype for deallocation. C synopsis #include int MPI_Type_free(MPI_Datatype *datatype); C++ synopsis #include mpi.h void MPI::Datatype::Free(); FORTRAN synopsis include 'mpif.h' or use mpi MPI_TYPE_FREE(INTEGER DATATYPE,INTEGER IERROR) Parameters datatype is the datatype to be freed (handle) (INOUT) IERROR is the FORTRAN return code. It is always the last argument. Description This subroutine marks the datatype object associated with datatype for deallocation. It sets datatype to MPI_DATATYPE_NULL. All communication currently using this datatype completes normally. Derived datatypes defined from the freed datatype are not affected. Notes MPI_FILE_GET_VIEW and MPI_TYPE_GET_CONTENTS both return new references or handles for existing MPI_Datatypes. Each new reference to a derived type should be freed after the reference is no longer needed. New references to named types must not be freed. You can identify a derived datatype by calling MPI_TYPE_GET_ENVELOPE and checking that the combiner is not MPI_COMBINER_NAMED. MPI cannot discard a derived MPI_Datatype if there are any references to it that have not been freed by MPI_TYPE_FREE. Errors Invalid datatype Predefined datatype Type is already free MPI not initialized MPI already finalized Related information MPI_FILE_GET_VIEW MPI_TYPE_COMMIT MPI_TYPE_GET_CONTENTS