Laboratory of Statistical & Computing Services
SAS for Data Science Feedback Form

Our goal is to provide you with the highest quality of services possible. Thus, we need your help to identify your level of satisfaction of our existing services. Using the following scale, please provide your rating for each criteria and statement. We appreciate your feedback for the continuous improvement of our services.
Thank you for giving us the opportunity to serve you.

Rating:  5 ‐ Good    4 ‐ Above Average    3 ‐ Average    2 ‐ Below Average    1 ‐ Poor

1. How much has the programme achieved in meeting your objectives? 5      4      3      2      1
2. How do you rate the coordination and organisation of the programme? 5      4      3      2      1
3. How useful and informative were the topics/ subjects/ content covered in this programme and was it easy to understand? 5      4      3      2      1
4. How knowledgeable and effective were the speaker(s)/ facilitator(s) in their areas of expertise and communicating their material to you? 5      4      3      2      1
5. Is the venue and facilities conducive to you? 5      4      3      2      1
6. Will you recommend our programmes to your friends? 5      4      3      2      1
7. The content covered will add value to my current job task/ studies/ research. 5      4      3      2      1
8. How would you rate the overall programme? 5      4      3      2      1
9. It would be great if you could let us know why do you rate it as such:
10. Any other comments or suggestions?