
Workshop on Noncommutative Quantum Mechanics and Dynamical Complexity : The Trends

Recently, much progress has been made in advancing further both classical and quantum mechanics as more complex problems are being considered in both areas.

For quantum mechanics, there has been decades of efforts to combine the linear theory of quantum mechanics with the nonlinear theory of gravity. At the Planck scale it is expected that quantum mechanics is severely modified to include effects of quantum fluctuations of space-time. Among the modifications considered are the nature of space-time coordinates is non-commuting and that the Heisenberg uncertainty principle is modified. The workshop will highlight techniques used to approach the above-mentioned modifications.

The lecture series is twofold. The second part is highlighted on the dynamical complexity.

Complexity is a term associated with a complex or complex adaptive system, which measures the amount of information related to the dynamics. Complex system is one, which has many interacting components that make the whole unit highly nonlinear. The healthy human heart is complex, since it has many interacting subunits to keep the whole system (heart) active. A cardiac heart is less complex, since it fails to working properly with each interacting subunits. Complexity of a system is generally understood by computing entropy of that unit, which actually measures the amount of uncertainty in the system. The speakers will explore the recent developments on complex systems and its associated measures in the field of non-equilibrium statistical mechanics and nonlinear dynamics.

This one-day workshop is jointly organized by Institute for Mathematical Research, Universiti Putra Malaysia and Malaysia-Italy Centre of Excellence for Mathematical Sciences.

Hishamuddin Zainuddin
Santo Banerjee

Note: For more on the second part of the lecture series, interested audiences can have a look at the ongoing issue of EPJ on 'Aspects of Statistical Mechanics and Dynamical Complexity'


©2017. Institute for Mathematical Research. UPM.