Limited to 35 participants ONLY!!!


The Workshop on Statistical Analysis for Ecological Data 2016 will be organized on 23rd November 2016 which aims to bring together researchers in Biology, Agricultural Research and Ecology.

The objectives of this workshop are:

  • To provide a general overview of ecological data application of canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) and principal component analysis (PCA). This technique is useful in ecological research.
  • To perform PCA and CCA using XLSTAT.
  • To identify the opportunities and challenges in applying PCA and CCA for ecological data analysis.
  • To bring together theoretical and applied researchers in all the areas where PCA and CCA are currently being used.

Who Should Attend

Academicians, Researchers, Biologist, Environmentalist, Research Officers, Statisticians, Students, and anyone else interested in the fields of Ecological Data Analysis.

Workshop Materials

Workshop materials can be downloaded here.

©2016. Laboratory of Computational Statistics and Operations Research. Institute for Mathematical Research. UPM.