Limited to 40 participants ONLY!!!


The Workshop on Statistical Analysis for Ecological Data III will be organized on 13 December 2018. The aim of this workshop is to introduce statistical analyses in biology-based research which includes ecology, agriculture, biotechnology and medicine. A multivariate analysis of ecological data describes the methods of analyzing more than two ecological variables, at once.

Participants of this workshop will be able to experience hands-on training on t-test, ANOVA, Chi-square, correlation, regression and PCA using SPSS and interpret output from the analyses. Academicians, researchers and students will benefit from this workshop. No previous experience in SPSS, or prior knowledge in PCA is required.

Who Should Attend

Researchers, Biologist, Environmentalist, Research Officers, Statisticians, Students with no basic statistical background, and anyone else interested in the fields of Ecological Data Analysis.

Workshop Materials

Workshop materials can be downloaded here.

©2017. Laboratory of Computational Statistics and Operations Research. Institute for Mathematical Research. UPM.