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Invited Speaker

Prof. Dr. Arjun Kumar Rathie
Vedant College of Engineering & Technology, (Rajasthan Technical University), India.


Welcome to the Workshop on Fourier Methods in Generalized Hypergeometric Series | FOURIER 2020.

In the theory of hypergeometric and generalized hypergeometric series, classical summation theorems such as those of Gauss, Gauss second, Kummer and Bailey for the series 2F1; Watson, Dixon, Whipple and Saalschutz for the series 3F2 and others play a key role. Recently good progress has been done in the directions of generalizing and extending the above mentioned classical summation theorems in the most general form. As pointed out by Profesor Berndt that several very interesting summations due to Ramanujan and others can be obtained quite simply by the above mentioned classical summation theorems.

In the two-days workshop, there will be an introduction on "Fourier Methods and Generalized Hypergeometric Series with Applications" by starting from the very basics and to reach up to the research level. Several interesting applications will also be discussed. The workshop will include series of lectures and the advanced level of this workshop will definitely motivate participants to start research in this area.

With best wishes

©2020. Laboratory of Cryptography, Analysis and Structure. Institute for Mathematical Research. UPM.