Call for abstracts (7th OCA abstract Template)
Aacademics and researchers are invited to submit original abstract for presentation. For more information and submission guidelines, please go to 7th OCA website. All Accepted abstracts will be compiled and published in the proceeding book. 7th OCA is now accepting abstract submissions. Prospective authors are invited to register and submit their abstract file. The submitted file has to be in doc or Tex format. The number of pages is limited to a maximum of 8 pages.
(1) Title of the abstract; (2) Name, affiliation and e-mail address for each author; (3) A maximum of 5 keywords of the abstract.
An acknowledgement email for the receipt of the submitted abstract will be sent within two (2) working days. If the authors have not received the acknowledgement email or the result notification emails within the above specific periods, they can contact us by email at oca7upm@gmail.com.
The conference will cover a broad range of topics in the field of control, optimization and their applications. Potential topics include, but are not limited to, the following:
The applications of control and optimization in: complex engineering systems, telecommunication, transport, mining, energy sector, water management, machine learning, sensor networks, information security