WGPG 2014
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  1. Lecture 1:

    In this lecture, we introduce the concept of finite automata and languages accepted by them. We also discuss input-output automata. Time permitting we will also introduce the concept of automatic structure

  2. Lecture 2:

    In this lecture we continue the study of automata. The emphasis will be given to finite automata that process infinite strings (reals). We discuss the complementation problem. If time permits, we provide a proof that the class of language of infinite strings (reals) accepted by such automata is closed under the complementation operation.

  3. Lecture 3:

    We introduce the concept of McNaaghton games. We provide a motivation and several examples We will discuss reachability games, Buchi games and their determinacy. An emphasis will be placed on designing algorithms that detect the winner in such games.

  4. Lecture 4:

    In this lecture we discuss several open questions around the topics discussed in the previous lectures. Open questions will be about automata, games, and automatic structures.

Cryptology2014 | International Cryptology and Information Security 2014