CRYPTOLOGY2018 - Programs

First Day (9th July 2018)
0800 - 0900 Registration
0900 - 0930 VIP Arrival
0930 - 1030 CRYPTOLOGY2018 - Officiation Ceremony
1030 - 1100 Tea Break
1100 - 1120 Paper 1 - BCTRU: A New Secure NTRUCrypt Public Key System Based on a Newly Multidimensional Algebra
1120 - 1140 Paper 2 - On The Unsolvability of the Diophantine Equation x1a1 + x2a2 + ... + xmam = nyb and Its Cryptographic Consequences
1140 - 1200 Paper 3 - Elliptic Net Scalar Multiplication using Generalized Equivalent Elliptic Divisibility Sequence
1200 - 1220 Paper 4 - Construction of Endomorphisms with J-Invariant 1728 for ISD Method
1220 - 1240 Paper 5 - Garbage-man-in-the-middle (type 2) Attack on the Lucas Based El-Gamal Cryptosystem in the Elliptic Curve Group Over Finite Field
1240 - 1300 Paper 6 - On the Underlying Hard Lattice Problems of GGH Encryption Scheme
1300 - 1430 Lunch Break
1430 - 1450 Paper 7 - Detecting General Algebraic Manipulation Attacks
1450 - 1510 Paper 8 - Hierarchical Twin-Schnorr Identity-Based Identification Scheme
1510 - 1530 Paper 9 - Revisiting the Invisibility of Yuen et al.’s Undeniable Signature Scheme
1530 - 1550 Paper 10 - SSE Security Definitions and Attacks
1550 - 1630 Tea Break
Second Day (10th July 2018)
0830 - 0900 Workshop Registration
0900 - 1000 Blockchain I
1000 - 1015 Tea break
1015 - 1115 Blockchain II
1115 - 1130 Break
1130 - 1230 Blockchain III
1230 - 1400 Lunch Break
1400 - 1500 Implementation of Lattice-based CryptographicPrimitives: Efficiency and Security I
1500 - 1515 Break
1515 - 1615 Implementation of Lattice-based CryptographicPrimitives: Efficiency and Security II
1615 - 1630 Tea Break
1630 - 1730 Implementation of Lattice-based CryptographicPrimitives: Efficiency and Security III
2100 - 2230 MSCR 1 Decade Celebration
Third Day (11th July 2018)
0900 - 0920 Paper 11 - Enhanced AAβ Cryptosystem: The Design
0920 - 0940 Paper 12 - Extending Pollard Class of Factorable RSA Modulus
0940 - 1000 Paper 13 - A New Simultaneous Diophantine Attack Upon RSA Moduli N=pq
1000 - 1020 Paper 14 - New Vulnerability on N=p2q Using Good Approximation of φ(N)
1020 - 1050 Tea break
1050 - 1110 Paper 15 - Accelerating DGHV’s Fully Homomorphic Encryption with GPU
1110 - 1130 Paper 16 - Evaluation Criteria on Random Ambience for Cryptographic Key Generation
1130 - 1150 Paper 17 - A Practical SCADA Testbed in Electrical Power System Environment for Cyber-security Exercises
1150 - 1200 Closing Ceremony
1200 - 1430 Lunch