Ao.Univ.Prof. Dr.
Karl Svozil
Institut für Theoretische Physik, Technische Universität Wien
Wiedner Hauptstrasse 8-10/136, A-1040 Vienna, AUSTRIA
Selected Publications:
- K. Svozil,
``Quantum Logic'' (Springer, Singapore, 1998), xviii+214 p.
- K. Svozil,
``Randomness and Undecidability in Physics'' (World Scientific,
Singapore, 1993), xvi+292 p.
- F.A. Bovino, M. Giardina, K.
Svozil and V. Vedral,
``Spatial Orientation by Quantum Telepathy'', International
Journal of Quantum Information 5(1-2), 43-49 (2007) [CrossRef
DOI:10.1142/S0219749907002517], [quant-ph/0603167],
- Karl Svozil,
``Staging quantum cryptography with chocolate balls'',
American Journal of Physics 74(9), 800-803 (2006) [CrossRef
DOI:10.1119/1.2205879], [physics/0510050],
- Karl Svozil,
``Communication cost of breaking the Bell barrier'', Physical
Review A 72, 050302(R) (2005) [CrossRef
DOI:10.1103/PhysRevA.72.050302], [arXiv],
This article has been selected by the APS for the Virtual Journal
of Quantum Information 5(11) (November 2005) [VJQI
- Daniel M. Greenberger and Karl
``Quantum Theory Looks at Time Travel'', in Quo Vadis Quantum
Mechanics?, ed. by A. Elitzur, S. Dolev and N. Kolenda (Springer
Verlag, Berlin, 2005), pp. 63-72 [arxiv].
- Stefan Filipp and Karl Svozil,
``Generalizing Tsirelson's Bound on Bell Inequalities Using a
Min-Max Principle'', Physical Review Letters 93,
130407 (2004). [CrossRef
DOI:10.1103/PhysRevLett.93.130407], [arXiv],
This article has been selected by the APS for the Virtual Journal
of Quantum Information 4(10) (October 2004) [VJQI
- Stefan Filipp and Karl Svozil,
``Testing the bounds on quantum probabilities'', Physical
Review A 69, 032101 (2004) [CrossRef
DOI:10.1103/PhysRevA.69.032101], [arXiv],
This article has been selected by the APS for the Virtual Journal
of Quantum Information 4(3) (March 2004) [VJQI