About the Speakers
 Martin Sieber  |   Leon A. Takhtajan  |   S. Twareque Ali  |   A. Vourdas  |   K.W. Życzkowski


Department of Mathematics

Stony Brook University

Stony Brook NY 11794-3651, USA


Email : leontak@math.sunysb.edu






Leningrad State University Math. B.A., M.S. 1967–1972

Steklov Math. Inst. at Leningrad (LOMI) Math. Ph.D. 1972–1975

LOMI Math. Doctor of Science 1982





Professor SUNY at Stony Brook



Graduate Program Director at SUNY at Stony Brook



Leading Researcher LOMI



Senior Researcher LOMI



Junior Researcher LOMI


Visiting Positions


June 2003              Visiting Professor Universit´e Denis Diderot (Paris VII)

2000–2001             Visiting Professor Yale University

June-July 1999       Visiting Professor University of Bourgogne

1991                      Visiting Professor SUNY at Stony Brook Spring

1991–1992             Visiting Professor U. of Colorado at Boulder

Fall 1991                Visiting Professor U. of Colorado at Boulder




2006–present           Editorial Board, Springer series in Theoretical & Mathematical Physics 2007

2005–present           Organizer, Random Shapes Program at IPAM in Spring

2001–present           Editor, Communications in Mathematical Physics

1998–present           Editorial Board, Letters in Mathematical Physics

1997–2001               AMS Committee on National Meetings

1997–2000               AMS Committee on Summer Institutes and Special Symposia

1998–2000               AMS Committee on Summer Institutes and Special Symposia, Chair

1990–1995               Editorial Board, Funkt. Analysis i ego Prilozh. (Moscow)




September 1999       Clay Mathematics Institute Prize Fellow

January 1993            Plenary Address, AMS annual meeting, San-Antonio

1987                        Ann. Prize, Math. Section Acad. of Sci. USSR (with P. Zograf)

1984                        Best paper, Math. Section Acad. of Sci. USSR (with A. Vinogradov)

1983                        Invited Address, ICM-82, Warsaw


Research Interests


Mathematical physics (quantum field theory, string theory and conformal field theory) with applications to geometry, algebra and analysis.

Selected Publications

  • Holomorphic factorization of determinants of laplacians on Riemann surfaces and a higher genus generalization of Kronecker’s first limit formula, Geom. and Funct. Analysis (GAFA) 16 (2006), 1291-1323 (with A. McIntyre). 

  • Quantum Liouville theory in the background field formalism I. Compact Riemann surfaces, Commun. Math. Phys. 268 (2006), 135-197 (with L.-P. Teo).

  • Liouville action and Weil-Petersson metric on deformation spaces, global Kleinian reciprocity and holography, Commun. Math. Phys. 239 (2003), 183-240 (with L.-P. Teo).

  • Hamiltonian methods in the theory of solitons, Springer-Verlag, 592p., 1987 (with L. Faddeev); reprinted in Springer series Classics in Mathematics, 2007.

  • Hamiltonian methods in the theory of solitons, Springer-Verlag, 592p., 1987 (with L. Faddeev); reprinted in Springer series Classics in Mathematics, 2007 

  • Weil-Petersson Metric on the Universal Teichmuller Space, Memoirs of the Amer. Math. Soc. 183, No. 861, vii + 119 p., 2006 (with L.-P. Teo).

  • Free bosons and dispersionless limit of Hirota tau-function, in Bilinear Integrable Systems: From Classical to Quantum, Continuous to Discrete, eds. L. Faddeev et al, Springer Verlag, 301-311, 2006.

  • Weil-Petersson geometry of the universal Teichmuller space, Progress in Math. 237(2005), 219-227 (with L.-P. Teo).