Research Interests
Quantum information
Quantum measurement & entropy
Quantum chaos
Entanglement & geometry of quantum states
Random matrices
Complex Hadamard matrices
Nonlinear dynamics & fractals
Stochastic vs chaotic dynamics
Game theory and Voting Power
Financial mathematics
Member of editorial boards
Open Systems & Information Dynamics since November
Journal of Physica A since January 2004
Co-organiser of
Polish Research Network LFPPI Laboratory of Physical
Foundation of Information Processing
European Research Network Krzyżowa Initiative for
Quantum Information
Member of
Mark Kac Complex Systems Research Centre
Selected Publications
A. Lozinski, K.
Zyczkowski and W. Slomczynski, "Quantum Iterated Function
Systems", Phys. Rev. E68, 046110 (2003)
A.Ostruszka, Ch.
Manderfeld, K. Zyczkowski,and F. Haake, "Quantization of
Classical Maps with tunable Ruelle-Pollicott Resonances",
Phys. Rev. E 68, 056201 (2003) [nlin.CD/0301041].
P. Pakonski, G.
Tanner, K. Zyczkowski, "Families of line-graphs and their
quantization", J. Stat. Phys 111, 1331-1352
(2003) [nlin.CD/0110043].
J. Emerson, R.
Alicki and K. Zyczkowski, "Scalable Noise Estimation with Random
Unitary Operators"; J.Opt. B 7, S347-S352
(2005); [quant-ph/0503243].
R. Alicki, A.
Lozinski, P. Pakonski and K. Zyczkowski, "Quantum dynamical
entropy and decoherence rate"; J.Phys. A37,
5157-5172 (2004); [quant-ph/0309194].
V. Cappellini,
H.--J. Sommers, and K. Zyczkowski, "Distribution of G-concurrence
of random pure states", Phys. Rev. A 74, 062322
(2006) [quant-ph/0605251].
H.--J. Sommers and
K. Zyczkowski, "Statistical properties of random density
matrices", J. Phys. A37 8457-8466
(2004), [quant-ph/0405031].